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I am a humanist and a realist; an avid traveler and a committed scholar.


I aim to support local and transnational conflict mediation efforts, fight for the rights of global minorities, and promote development projects that answer local needs.


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User-uploaded Content

Admitting guests to the annual Failed States Index Launch Event as part of my intership with a D.C. think-tank. Thanks Smith Praxis!

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Personal Philosophy


I seek to channel empathy and an appreciation of diverse cultures and experiences towards an end of mutual benefit. I have engaged with the likes of academics, Guantanamo detainees and Parisian cabdrivers, becoming purposeful and self-defined, unafraid to learn from and lean on others. It is through these interactions that I have become more aware of and open to diversity--an indispensible quality as I look to work on conflict mitigation and development policy.


During my time at Smith I have been inspired to take on challenges and have grown confident in my own ideas.  Students and professors have pushed me to take risks; a Praxis internship expanded my academic skills in a professional setting; a year abroad opened my eyes to the world.


Smith College promised to provide an environment that would cultivate my curiosity and fuel my ambition.  The empathy for and openness to diversity—be it cultural, political or religious—that I gained from Smith is sure to support my efforts to combat fear of difference and to represent the marginalized voices in our global society. I have come to expect a challenge and to be excited by the collaborative process of fomenting positive change. The experiences detailed in my Work Showcase are just a few examples of what I have learned by actively engaging with individuals from diverse backgrounds and remaining open to new points of view.

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